Blanche Hoschedé-Monet is an Impressionist artist, whose works are exhibited at the HELENE BAILLY gallery.
Blanche Hoschedé-Monet was raised in an artistic environment. Her father, Ernest Hoschedé, was a collector closely linked to the Impressionist movement and to its main figure: Claude Monet. Blanche Hoschedé received her education from Claude Monet and later became his assistant. She married his son, Jean Monet, in 1897.
From Claude Monet's lessons, she retained the topics as well as the approach. In his footsteps she took her easel outdoor and rendered the landscapes of Giverny, or views of Rouen where she lived with her husband. Although painting is only a hobby for Blanche Hoschedé-Monet, her artworks were exhibited various times as in 1931 at the Galerie Bernheim Jeune. When Claude Monet passed away in 1926, she progressively emancipated herself from his transmitted lesson and adopted a more personal approach. The topics broached by Blanche Hoschedé-Monet also varied: still lives made their entrance in her repertory.