20 - 27 November 2024

Joan Miró, Francis Picabia and Pablo Picasso: A Cross Biography

These three giants of modern art share Spanish roots and all played crucial roles in the artistic avant-gardes of the 20th century. Their constant quest for innovation and refusal to conform to established styles united them. Each, in his own way, explored new forms, experimented with techniques and materials, and profoundly influenced the artistic landscape of his time.
Exhibiting all three in the same show offers a unique opportunity to delve into the profound currents of the twentieth-century avant-garde. These three artists, though distinct in their approach and style, share a common quest to redefine art and its limits. By highlighting their works side by side, this exhibition captures the interconnections and silent dialogues that exist between their creative worlds.
In short, this joint exhibition of Miró, Picabia and Picasso is not only a celebration of their individual works, but also an exploration of the soul of the avant-garde, revealing how these three masters shaped and transformed the artistic landscape of their time. It's an invitation to discover the convergences and divergences of their paths, while appreciating the uniqueness of each in the history of art...